Hayes Sneak Peek

Hayes is only about 2 weeks new today. His mom got some much needed time away from her two other boys just to sit and relax during his newborn session. And Hayes was absolutely perfect. He took a bath right before he came and we can only assume it made all the difference in having a super sleepy baby. I've been stocking up on new boy items since I'm expecting a little boy in a few weeks, and Hayes got to test out lots of new props, blankets, and hats. His mom and I both agreed we love the new upcycled hats for the moon prop. They fit perfectly and were just darling! I also tried a few new looks with laying several fabrics and textures, and love how they turned out so there will be lots of other layered looks to come.

His mom even wanted to try a "Pinterest" favorite of mine (and hers!) and she was just awesome as we tried out a new mommy and baby pose. For the first time around I love how it looks, so I also hope to add this in to future sessions for other moms.

I couldn't have asked for a better, sleepy baby and a huge thanks to his mom for prepping him for his photography debut. It's always such an honor to be selected for special newborn photos and I hope to see little Hayes again in the future.

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-12 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.

