Baby Gallery

Capture each stage and milestone

Babies change so much that first year! Don’t look back and regret that you missed a milestone with professional photos to capture the memories of that age.

Master Baby Photographer (yes really!)

You’re in GREAT hands for your baby’s special baby photos!

I have earned the elite status as a Master Baby Photographer as recognized by the National Association of Professional Child Photographers. This came after submitting a portfolio of 25 different babies and toddlers all with different backgrounds, posing, etc, and proving I had mastered the technical details for capturing baby details with consistent accuracy.

Incredible Cake Smash Celebrations

Celebrate in style with a cake smash to end your first birthday session

And leave the post-cake mess to me!

We take nice images first, then can switch to a theme for the cake or keep it simple with just baby and balloons.

Milk Bath, Splash Bath

Not feeling like a cake smash to celebrate? I have an adorable toddler sized tub we can use instead to end with a splash bath!

I use a powdered milk to make the water opaque, then we let baby have fun splashing, playing with flowers, or even rubber duckies in the water!

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
— Robert Brault

Why choose me?

I know that babies don’t last long during photos session, so I am ready to go when you arrive so we are quick for background and outfit changes.

Custom themes and backgrounds

I have a page listing all my backgrounds for specialty themes and have a cake smash inspiration page.

Or check out the other Baby Resources along with a Cake Smash FAQ for answering even more questions!