Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Kai's 9 Month Baby Milestone Session

Kai was back in the studio last week for his next set of baby milestone photos. He’s now 9 months old and has gotten so big since our last session. Now he’s able to sit unassisted and even showed some beginnings of crawling or pulling himself across the floor. He was still as curious as ever and we captured several awesome memories for him and his family.

We started with a great classic boy background with the navy blue wall and wooden crates and boxes. Kai showed off his sitter skills and we had fun placing him a few bowls or my moon crate. He did great but we certainly needed to be quick as he much preferred to be on his tummy.

Once we found he liked the blocks he was so much happier and relaxed. Kai is such a curious kid and he’s always been one to observe things first at our sessions to access if he can then share his smile. And the blocks were evidently the magic we needed this time to make him comfortable.

We got a few adorable naked booty pics and one with him sitting away from the camera in line with some stuffed animals before changing the background to the red barn and farm scene.

Kai loved laying on his tummy again with the blocks and was even able to sit in a the big white chair. But soon he let us know he was tired and over taking pictures, which is so normal after all the excitement. He truly did a wonderful job and I can’t wait to see him again for that big first birthday milestone in a few short months!

Thinking of booking a session for your child or baby? It's never too early or too late, especially to make sure you preserve all those milestone memories of baby's first year! Contact me today to book your session and ask about my baby milestone package for all of baby's first year.