Colter's ONE Happy Camper Sneak Peek

Colter was such a sweetheart during his big first birthday celebration! He was a great sport for all the fun activities we had in store for him, with the cake smash and splash bath, and he kept us laughing until the very end. He rocked the camping theme in his overalls and truly was ONE happy camper.

Colter definitely would do anything for a snack so I kept my puffs handy. But after that was settled he was so agreeable with whatever we wanted to do. We captured several great photos of him in his denim overalls with the wooden letters, letting him sit in several chairs and baskets, and even show off his standing skills for a bit.

He lit up when we did our family portraits, too, and I always love that option of getting parents in the frame for a few updated family pictures.

Then we kept the camping theme but changed Colter into an adorable little diaper cover that said “one happy camper” with coorinating suspenders and bow tie. He was so excited to get to attack his smash cake all by himself, and truly gave it a great try! He ate frosting, dug in for an actual cake bite (which prompted an interesting yet hilarious face) and then decided that laughing at the adults and crawling through the icing was his favorite.

After a quick clean up, we let Colter finish his first birthday photo celebration by splashing in the small clawfoot bathtub. He loved his splash bath! He played with the rubber duck toys, the new floating ball toys, and laughed and splashed. Just narrowing down his images was a challenge as he was such a happy baby during the entire photo session!

I with this very special little dude a wonderful first birthday! I hope you get more cake, more changes to show off all your big boy skills, and once again bring laughter to the party.

Thinking of booking a session for your child or baby? It's never too early or too late, especially to make sure you preserve all those milestone memories of baby's first year! Contact me today to book your session and ask about my baby milestone package for all of baby's first year.