Knox's First Birthday Sneak Peek

Knox had a fabulous first birthday celebration this last week, complete with balloons and a giant smash cake! His sisters even got in on the action and helped with the cake at the end, and everyone had a great time with this little dude.

Knox celebrated in style with nice photos first, showing off his standing skills with his Wild One shirt. He also loved the wooden blocks and as long as those were around, he didn’t mind the studio or the big lights. That and his mom being nearby.

Then we captured some great family photos with Knox, his two older sisters, and his parents. All the kids did great with all the moving around and trading off, and the girls gave their best smiles for the family portrait. We also changed Knox into a Mr. ONEderful shirt and gave each kid a balloon for a sibling photo, which I think was by far their favorite one at that point.

Then it was time for the smash cake, and Knox dove in face first right at the very beginning. He headed straight for the frosting along the edge and did a fabulous job smearing the icing all over his face. Then we let the sisters get in on the action, and they ranged from serious cake eaters to smiling and having a blast.

It was such a fun session all around celebrating this little guy, and I wish Knox the very happiest first birthday with more cake to come!

Thinking of booking a session for your child or baby? It's never too early or too late, especially to make sure you preserve all those milestone memories of baby's first year! Contact me today to book your session and ask about my baby milestone package for all of baby's first year.