Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Cecily's Maternity Sneak Peek

After so much rain this month and so many evenings where it was impossible to get out and take photos, we truly had a perfect magical window to capture Cecily’s maternity session! The rain held off long enough for us to head out and as the next storm rolled in over the mountains it created some gorgeous skies and cloud formations. Overall I say it was a win for this couple as they eagerly await the arrival of their first baby.

The couple wanted to do the dual locations at the little lake and then the overlook for the mountains. When we first arrived at the lake the pathway to reach the boulders was completely washed out and covered in water. But we were able to come in over the top of the water feature and I love how perfect the setting was for them. Cecily had a simple dress with floral head piece and it tied into the natural setting with the water.

They also let me grab a quick photo or two with the reservoir in the distance, as the clouds at that time were just so amazing. And those few photos were some of my favorites while culling through images as the clouds and the wind created a magical scene.

The wind wasn’t as strong at our second location which was a welcome change! The area was still a little wet but we were able to still walk around and use the brick and pine tree areas for pictures with just Cecily alone and then with her husband.

To end we, of course, had to capture them against those dark and moody clouds coming in with the next storm. But at times the sun would reach some clouds to add color and it was fun to explore the area that evening just searching for new angles for clouds, skies, and overall to create something special.

I so thank this couple for going along with all my plans as we used the weather we had to create their beautiful maternity photo gallery. I cannot wait to see them again soon when they finally get to welcome their little one into the family!

Thinking of booking a maternity session for your little bump? It's never too early to get on my calendar to make sure we time it right in your third trimester. I love to offer these special sessions to my newborn clients, so check out my newborn package and be sure to preserve all these special memories for YOUR family!