Karleigh's Newborn Sneak Peek

Sweet little Karleigh came into the studio last week for her big newborn photo debut! We captured some special photos with her older brother, parents, and brought out lots of props like the moon and princess carriage. Plus we certainly had to incorporate some Denver Broncos colors and football theming to share with her extended family.

Karleigh was a perfect little model during new newborn pictures, snoozing away and letting me add in various headbands and colors as we moved through props. We started with photos with her older brother as I know from personal experience that toddlers don’t last long. But he did a fabulous job sitting next to his sister on the moon prop, smiling a huge grin during their family portrait, and then laughing with his bubbles while wearing his Broncos hat.

Karleigh Elway Cohen Broncos Denver Football Newborn Girl.jpg

Her mom had requested a few particular props with some girly colors in pink plus some in Broncos blue and orange with the family Elway jersey. Kareigh truly did a fabulous job while we swapped out colors, fabrics and props. She was perfectly content in the princess carriage, where we added in some lace curtains to make it very feminine.

We ended with the poses on the beanbag and Karleigh was happy on her tummy, side, or even wrapped and on her back. Right at the very end she woke up and we let her have some snuggle time with mom while she ate. So for our final “chin-in-hands” picture, Karleigh was alert but content, allowing us to capture that particular image with her eyes wide open.

A huge congrats to this family on your new little one! I loved preserving these special memories for you and hope to see you again as she grows!.

Karleigh Elway Cohen Carriage Moon Pink Purple Newborn Girl

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.