Geb Family Sneak Peek

This sweet family came into the studio last week for updated family photos and to celebrate the littlest one’s first birthday. We started with photos of everyone all together and then some with each parent, and ended with a wild one first birthday cake smash.

These little ones wanted to snuggle with parents while in the studio so we went with the flow and captured the kids with mom and dad. I actually love the shy snuggles and hugs with the parents as those are such special memories.

Eva was a daddy’s girl this day as I’m sure it was strange to be in a new place with a big light and someone new. She sure made me work for her photos, but I’m so happy to say we got some great ones of her with both her mom and dad. And as mom myself, I still think both kids did a wonderful job with all the new changes around them!

We ended with first birthday photos for Noah with the wild one jungle background. He had a cute little onesie and blue birthday hat, and he even kept it on long enough for me to snag a photo. He accidently knocked over his cake right at the beginning of the final cake photos, but he still was able to try a little icing and lick it off his lips before we let big sister try a little, too.

A big thanks to this family for working through our session and trusting me with these special photos! You get a big high five from me for having two young kids close in age - I know from experience it gets easier and those kids will have a friend for life.


Any time is a great time for capturing photos of your child! My Simply Kids package is perfect for preserving those memories at every stage childhood, or check out the Sibling Galore package to capture all your kids during the same session.