Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Madison's Simply Kid Sneak Peek

This sweet little girl came in after Christmas for her very own Simply Kid session. She really made me laugh and smile with all her spunk and sass - she so reminded me of my now 7 year old daughter when she was this age. Lots of opinions and poses but also so many wonderful smiles. I truly had a blast taking pictures of her at this special stage plus pulling out the holiday props and decor one last time for some special Christmas photos with twinkle lights.

I usually try to vary the phrases I ask kids to say to get genuine smiles, but Madison did so well (and was just plain cute!) with old fashioned “cheese!” that we stuck with that. She also happened to be the first kid to name my little snowman, which when I realize how long I’ve had that snowman is a tad surprising. She, of course, picked Olaf, which sparked some great conversations about Elsa and the movie Frozen. I told her there would be extra magic added into her photos later so look for twinkle lights, snow, and lantern surprises. I sure will miss the holiday images for a while as I know that particular season is past, but it sure was fun doing it one last time for 2019 and also capturing updated portraits of sweet Madison in her adorable play-clothes.

Thanks so much for coming in to the studio between holidays and for being a wonderful family for which to end 2019!